Generate and send Telemarketing OTP to Customer's phone number via SMS to complete or authorize a transaction.
This API allows to generate the one time password and delivers to the customer in order to do a confirmation in Telemarketing flow. One time password is 11 digits of length that are delivered to the customer, 3 of those are returned in the response to client application.
A 128 bit universally unique identifier (UUID) that you generate for every request and is used for tracking. It is recommended to use the output from Java UUID class or an equivalent.
"default": "a7d1e304-83a9-4413-af97-62615e57eae66807840"
Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Currently we support application/json
"default": "application\/json"
HTTP Accept-Language header
"default": "en-US"
2 character ISO country code
"default": "MX"
3 character business code
"default": "GCB"
channel ID used by the user
"default": "IVR"
The client ID you received during application registration in the developer portal
"default": "iX4xW5lG0gD6cX3uI5qN3pF6yK5nY2kB0eY5tB3xQ4rD4fD2xO"
Authorization code generated in previous OAuth invocation
"default": "iX4xW5lG0gD6cX3uI5qN3pF6yK5nY2kB0eY5tB3xQ4rD4fD2xO"
OTP request with required details to generate and send OTP to customer, custom messsage special characters allowed: ? ! # $ % & * + - / ^ _ { } @ [ ] ~ ( ), characters that needs to send in unicode format: < > ¿ ¡ ñ á é í ó ú ü, minimum message lenght: 1 character, maximum length per delivered message is 140 characters
OTP sent successfully
(BAD REQUEST) - Request was not processed
Type | Code | Details |
invalid | invalidRequest | Missing or invalid Parameters |
error | smsDeliveryFailed | SMS delivery failed |
(UNAUTHORIZED) - Request was not processed
Type | Code | Details |
error | unAuthorized | Unauthorized access to this resource |
(FORBIDDEN) - Unauthorized to perform the requested operation on resource
Type | Code | Details | More Info |
invalid | accessNotConfigured | The request operation is not configured to access this resource | Channel/Country/Business provided in the request is not supported currently |
Type | Code | Details |
error | backendError | Failed during a call to backend service |
fatal | serverUnavailable | The request failed due to an internal error/server unavailability |
This API validates telemarketing OTP token submitted by Customer.
Validate 11 digit One Time Password, validating 3 digits stored in session and 8 digits remaining against CitiMFA validation service. A successful validation of the OTP means the customers have completed or authorize a transaction in behalf of them.
A 128 bit universally unique identifier (UUID) that you generate for every request and is used for tracking. It is recommended to use the output from Java UUID class or an equivalent.
"default": "a7d1e304-83a9-4413-af97-62615e57eae66807840"
Session is generated and returned on the first API call as response header, which needs to be resent on succesive calls of same session
Content-Types that are acceptable for the response. Currently we support application/json
"default": "application\/json"
HTTP Accept-Language header
"default": "en-US"
2 character ISO country code
"default": "MX"
3 character business code
"default": "GCB"
channel ID used by the user
"default": "IVR"
The client ID you received during application registration in the developer portal
"default": "iX4xW5lG0gD6cX3uI5qN3pF6yK5nY2kB0eY5tB3xQ4rD4fD2xO"
Authorization code generated in previous OAuth invocation
"default": "iX4xW5lG0gD6cX3uI5qN3pF6yK5nY2kB0eY5tB3xQ4rD4fD2xO"
Otp request with the required details to validate otp token.
OTP Successfully validated
(BAD REQUEST) - Request was not processed
Type | Code | Details |
invalid | invalidRequest | Missing or invalid Parameters |
error | OTP Token Invalid | OTP Token Invalid |
error | OTP Token Expired | OTP Token Expired |
(UNAUTHORIZED) - Request was not processed
Type | Code | Details |
error | unAuthorized | Unauthorized access to this resource |
(FORBIDDEN) - Unauthorized to perform the requested operation on resource
Type | Code | Details | More Info |
invalid | accessNotConfigured | The request operation is not configured to access this resource | Channel/Country/Business provided in the request is not supported currently |
Type | Code | Details |
error | backendError | Failed during a call to backend service |
fatal | serverUnavailable | The request failed due to an internal error/server unavailability |
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"customerId": {
"type": "string",
"example": "test_1234",
"description": "Login User ID"
"phoneNumber": {
"type": "string",
"example": "1111214678",
"description": "The phone number of the user for which OTP needs to be delivered"
"messagePrefix": {
"type": "string",
"example": "Citi Identification Code Service",
"description": "The string representing Prefix message"
"messageSuffix": {
"type": "string",
"example": "Reply HELP for help STOP to cancel",
"description": "The string representing Postfix message"
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"customerId": {
"type": "string",
"example": "test_1234",
"description": "Login User ID"
"oneTimePasswordToken": {
"type": "string",
"example": "A1B2C3D4E5F",
"description": "Alphanumeric One time password.",
"minLength": 11,
"maxLength": 11
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"oneTimePasswordToken": {
"type": "string",
"example": "ABC",
"description": "Prefix OTP is part of delivered customer token which needs to be kept at app side along with SID for validation, remaining digits are generated and send by CitiMFA.",
"maxLength": 3
"required": [
"properties": {
"type": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Invalid - Request did not confirm to the specification and was unprocessed and rejected. Please fix the value and try again",
"enum": [
"code": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Error code which qualifies the error"
"details": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Human readable explanation specific to the occurrence of the problem"
"location": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the field that resulted in the error"
"moreInfo": {
"type": "string",
"description": "URI to human readable documentation of the error"
"timestamp": {
"type": "string",
"description": "Timestamp of the error"