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API for Accounts Search
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Domain service to fetch the eBCS Associated Accounts
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Orchestrator service to fetch the Associated Accounts
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This Microservice fetches the eBCS Account Profile
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The Microservice is used to retrieve and maintain details of the accounts
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This microservice is used for accounts validation services with Banxico
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This microservice is used for accounts validation services with Banxico
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This microservice is used to send the neccessary information to Arcsight for their statistcs analysis.
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This microservice is used to manage the status of credit/debit cards that have some risk of fraud
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The Microservice helps to validate the accounts and retrive the corresponding information
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This microservice is used for accounts validation services with Banxico. This is the View Swagger at the Edge layer.
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The Microservice helps to validate the accounts and retrive the corresponding information
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This microservice is used for accounts validation services with Banxico.
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This microservice is used to manage the operations linked with the emission for the life-insurance for the customer.
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This microservice is used to manage the Life insurance quotations for the customer.
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Microservice for getting information from operations related to investment insurances and present it to a front end
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This microservice is used to manage the operations linked with the emission for the Chubb insurance for the customer.
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This microservice is used to manage the Life insurance quotations for the customer.
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CHUBB,This microservice is used to manage the insurance profile for the customer.
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This microservice is used to manage the Chubb insurance accounts for the customer.
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This microservice is used to manage the Chubb insurance quotations for the customer.
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Microservice for getting information from operations related to investment insurances and present it to a front end
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This microservice will be used for managing the account statement details related to the customer.
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This microservice is used for managing the log details of the account statements in the Teradata for BI reporting and analysis.
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This microservice is used to manage the services related to the inter bank transaction or movements
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The Microservice retrieves various balances of customer�s accounts of different banking products
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The Microservice retrieves various balances of customer�s accounts of different banking products.
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This microservice will be used for managing the account statement details related to the customer.
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This microservice is used to manage the services related to the inter bank transaction or movements
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This microservice provides information of real time & authorized transactions for debit or credit cards accounts.
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The Microservice retrieves various balances of customer’s accounts of different banking products
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The Microservice retrieves various balances of customer’s accounts of different banking products
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This microservice will be used for managing the account statement details related to the customer.
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This microservice is used for managing the log details of the account statements in the Teradata for BI reporting and analysis.
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The Microservice provides information about all different accounts related to a customer..
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This microservice is used to manage the services related to the inter bank transaction or movements.
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The Microservice is used to manage the transactions for investment funds
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This microservice will be used for managing the account statement details related to the customer.
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This microservice is used for managing the log details of the account statements in the Teradata for BI reporting and analysis.
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NC The Microservice retrieves various balances of customer’s accounts of different banking products
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The Microservice retrieves information about cardless withdraws for a customer.
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The goal of this microservice is to provide the operations necessary for upgrading a customer's cash account from level 2 to level 4.
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This microservice is used to manage the services related to the inter bank transaction or movements.
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The Microservice manages the payroll account benefits of a customer.
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The Microservice retrieves various balances of customer accounts of different banking products
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This service covers the functionality related to Costco Rewards project
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This microservice covers the functionality related to Rewards programs COSTCO and Puntos Premia. This service will be utilized for both mobile and online platform applications to call the internal microservice. This API is after the EDGE layer.
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This microservice covers the functionality related to Rewards programs COSTCO and Puntos Premia. This service will be utilized for both mobile and online platform applications to call the internal microservice. This API will be before the EDGE layer.
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This microservice covers the functionality related to Rewards programs COSTCO and Puntos Premia. This service will be utilized for both mobile and online platform applications to call the internal microservice. This API will be before the EDGE layer.
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This microservice will cover the functionality of credit card statements
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This API will be used to fetch the customer Segment from the Backend system(Oracle DB) based on CustomerId
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API for Card Plastic Microservice
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The API's defined here are used for the security - encryption features
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This micro service will perform the required operations to update an afore's customer password, including validation, update and notifications.
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Microservice for to orchestrate the request between api 336 and silver. [Entry-point Post-Login]
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Validate the faculty for the executive agent checker to set up the digital services.
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Manage the agent session process for DPS, invoking the SSS service to validate if the agent has the right profile.
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This microservice provides functionality for Population Register for Account Opening
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Allows to manage the configuration about customer digital services.
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This microservice provides functionality for Client Information in Account Opening
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With this service the customer could validate his mobile and activate the digital package service.
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The microservice retrieves if the customer has the products associated.
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This API generates a document in PDF format as proof containing the details of the transaction made by the bank agent and the customer. Frontend DPS; Backend Digital Files; entry-point; post-login.
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This microservice identifies whether an applicant in RAO flow has an account of type N2
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AO business Digital Onboarding services. Allows to acquire or update digital bank services configuration and customer's contact information
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This microservice will act as an orchestrator to the citi screening domain services that provide citi screening process management, (request screening for a person/company and cancel the screening process)
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This microservice is used to manage information about the structure of required documents -either mandatory or optional- for the participants of the account opening PyMEs process.
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This microservice is an orchestrator that receives the main data for Business ID PyME creation. The input is the company's information for which the PyME account is intended, and also it communicates with Questionnaire microservice for saving the company's information.
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This microservice verifies and raises the scope of the session of an agent, the verification of the session is through the query to Sitemider (Policy Server).
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This microservice is responsible to manage the customer profile in the Remote Account Opening process.
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This microservice will retreive data for customers account Information.This API is Pre-login so SCOPE is VISITOR and SID is required.
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This microservice will retreive data for customers account Information.This API is Pre-login so SCOPE is VISITOR and SID is required.
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The Microservice is used to fetch agent entitlements
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This microservice will store applicant's information on account opening database.
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This microservice will retreive data for customers account Information.This API is Pre-login so SCOPE is VISITOR and SID is required.
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Identifies a customer by different criteria (customer id, account number, card number) and retrieves the customer general information
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Api Documentation
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this microservice retrieve acount opening customer profile information
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This Microservice will help to retrieve the citi screening resulting list information stored in the Account Opening database through different searching parameters. This is a channel specific service
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This Microservice is used to manage applications from CI into Account Openning
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This microservice will retrieve credit initiation catalogs information on account opening database
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This microservice will retreive data for individual and corporate customers.This API is Pre-login so SCOPE is VISITOR and SID is required.
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This microservice is used to manage the certified cell phone details of the customer for the Account Opening flow.
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This microservice will retreive data for individual and corporate customers.This API is Pre-login so SCOPE is VISITOR and SID is required.
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This microservice will retrieve data for individual and corporate customers.This API is Pre-login so SCOPE is VISITOR and SID is required.
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this microservice retrieve acount opening customer profile information
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This microservice is used to manage the details related to the products and instruments of the customer's account. When the executive is opening the account the microservice must then return the information from the S016 system.
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this microservice retrieve acount opening customer profile information
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This Microservice will retrieve the customer relationship and party Role Name.This API is Pre-login so SCOPE is VISITOR and SID is required.
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this microservice retrieve acount opening customer profile information
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This Microservice is used to retreive documents from Formatoteca Banamex.
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This microservice is used to get customer information.This API is Pre-login so SCOPE is VISITOR and SID is required.
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This microservice will perform operations over PyME application process
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This microservice provides functionality to manage the Biometric system session (Incode) control for RAO flow.
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The microservice provides the functionalities related to the validation of the RAO request process.
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This Microservice is used to manage applications from credit initiation into Remote accout opening
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This microservice identifies whether an applicant in RAO flow has an account of type N2
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The microservice provides functionalities related to the applicant validation processes.
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This microservice provides functionality to manage application control for RAO flow.
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The objective of this microservice will be to receive the request from RAO Web App to validate the business rules applicable to the opening of a credit product, these validations will determine whether or not the applicant can continue with the opening of the product account.
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This microservice is responsible to manage the customer profile in the Remote Account Opening process.
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This view microservice allows to manage the information from an existing customer.
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This Microservice will return the status of obtaining the documents from the Incode system on an remote account opening.
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This microservice identifies whether an applicant in RAO flow is an existing customer by searching for homonymy.
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The microservice provides functionalities related to the applicant validation for INE, CURP and facial biometric services.
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This view microservice allows to manage the precreated debit cards.
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This view microservice allows to the costumer execute risk control validation flows.
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This microservice manages operations related to managing the remote account opening process flow session.
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This microservice provides functionality to retrieve the identity data (corresponding to the user who has initiated an identity process validation with Incode), this information is complemented by the final result of the validation process (which consists of checking if the scores generated by Incode are within the range defined by "Prevenci�n de fraudes")
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This microservice provides functionality to manage the Biometric system session (Incode) control for RAO flow.
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This microservice is used to manage the Income Profile of a applicant in the RAO flow.
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RAO,This microservice records the applicant's data that cannot be obtained from the identification card. In the event that the applicant has a relationship with a PEP (politically exposed person), it will be necessary to provide the personal data of the PEP. It will also be possible to register the self declaration about account use.
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This microservice is used to manage the Risk Profile of a applicant in the RAO flow.
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This microservice provides functionality to manage application control for RAO flow.
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The microservice provides the functionalities related to the validation of the RAO request process.
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This microservice is used to manage participant information for the PyMEs account opening process.
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This microservice is used to manage information about documents of the participants for the account opening PyMEs process.
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This microservice is used to manage information about roles of the participants for the account opening PyMEs process.
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AO-Pyme, This microservice will creates account opening pymes reports.
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This microservice will manage main object for Opening process PYME
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This microservice is used to save and retrieve information about a customer in the know your customer section for the account opening PyMEs process.
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This microservice manages all questions of the questionnaire, that are neccesary to validate and analyze in order to open a PyME account. Questionnaire information is about 200 questions grouped by sections that an agent asks to a customer.
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This microservice manages operations related to managing the remote account opening process flow session.
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This microservice will logging the transactional operations related to viewer session process. When the user starts and closes the session, it will be necessary to register with the APIs of this microservice.
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The microservice provides functionalities related to the applicant validation processes.
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This microservice provides functionality to manage application control for RAO flow.
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The microservice provides the functionalities related to the validation of the RAO request process.
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This microservice is used to manage the information of a customer documents and will interact with RAO document metadata database.
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This microservice is responsible for obtaining documents from COS, decrypting them with a key that manages this microservice, re-encrypting them (using STS) and returning them to a client for processing (viewing, playback, etc.).
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This microservice manages operations related to managing the remote account opening process flow session.
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This microservice will manage information for regulatory compliance checks related to account opening process
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This service will manage and control the flow of a business transaction, providing a method to store the data with every step, and being able to resume it at any time. This service also provides information regarding whether some visual artifacts are to be rendered or available at any time.
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This microservice will retreive data for individual and corporate customers.This API is Pre-login so SCOPE is VISITOR and SID is required.
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Account oppening user authentication.This API is Pre-login so SCOPE is VISITOR and SID is required.
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This microservice is used to handle the secure transaction validation for the customer by using the OTP RSA 3D secure technology to validate the OTP sent to the customer by SMS and confirmed by the client. This is required for some MASTERCARD and VISA cards
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Microservice update by due to bank regulation the beneficiary name in SPID (Interbak Dollar Payment System) accounts increasing the number of characters.
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This microservice will provide BNE account transfer information to Arcsight
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API's for Accounts Balances
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These microapps are for Accounts Search
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This microservice will provide BNE functionality for account transfer
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Bank layout data converter service for BNE corporate customer
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This MS will manage the BNE Bill payment info and send to arcsight
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This microservice will provide BNE functionality for services payments
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This microservice will provide BNE functionality for card payment
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This microservice is used to perform the inter and intra bank CoDi payments.
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This microservice is used to perform the inter and intra bank CoDi payments returns.
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Micro-Service to update / retrieve the telephone number assigned to a reliable representative (BnE CoDi operations).
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The Microservice is used to modify and fetch parameters or flags for Customer management.
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This microservice contains the user change password detail to will be sending to Arcsight.
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The Microservice is used to fetch customer entitlements
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This microservice is to do the Customer Relationship Management
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The Microservice is used to modify and fetch customer profile details of Bancanet.The microservice has multiple APIs related to Bancanet Customer profile.
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This service covers the functionality related to BancaNet Empresarial Migration (priority 1 and 2)
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This service covers the functionality related to BancaNet Empresarial Migration (priority 4)
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Channel service for the Buy / Sale of currencies of the BnE application, offers operations between own accounts and third parties accounts...
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Channel service to obtain the exchange rate of the requested currency based on the clientId sent.
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Microservice to retrieve and post legacy data from/to gemfire cache
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This microservice will be used to send the login BNE users information to arcsight
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This microservice will cover the functionality of Login count services
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This service covers the functionality related to BancaNet Empresarial Migration (priority 3)
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This Service provides functionality to wrap an existing soap service exposed by TIBCO to COPS platform, it will be used by BNE.
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This microservice will cover all the functionality of Payee group information
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This MS will get the payment information from BNE that is required to authorize pending files or transactions and also send specific information to arcsight
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Start a new payroll file conversion task and retrieve the task status.
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This microservice is for the Legal Representative entitlements validation for transactions
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this microservice allow performs payment management
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This microservice is for manage recurring payments information
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This microservice will cover all the functionality of Bancanet Enterprice system Configuration Parameters
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This microservice recovers the promissory notes that correspond to a contract.
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This microservice is used to manage the online statements of the current period for the Tesofe account.
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This microservice is used to retrieve the online statements of the previous period of the Tesofe account.
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This microservice is used to manage users' TESOFE accounts.
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This microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the account statements of the Tesofe Accounts.
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This microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the current day account transactions of the Tesofe Accounts.
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This microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the previous days account transactions of the Tesofe Accounts.
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This microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the previous day account transactions summary of the Tesofe Accounts.
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This microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the account statements of the Tesofe Accounts.
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Service for getting Pending Authorization Transactions
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Unlock Customer
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The microservice seeks to return the probability that any customer requesting a credit card obtains a probability of default, To achieve a successful business score.
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CRUD for managing customer accounts consolidated indicators to be used in the application process for a new card in the Credit Initiation application (CI)
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NC CRUD for retrieving the Credit Initiation information
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This microservice will get the values from mongo DB that were generated by the camelot model which is within the Enterprise Analytic Platform (EAP), those values are associated with a payroll customer, all of this when CI request them through the API in order to grant a payroll loan to a client or not based on the value of the score attrition
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This microservice will get the values from mongo DB that were generated by credit models which is within the Enterprise Analytic Platform (EAP), those values are associated with credit scores, all of this when CI request them through the API, in order to decide if a new personal loan products will be granted.
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This microservice is an orchestrator that manages the booking application for a personal loan or credit card loan, for which it requires customer reference information.
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This microservice orchestrates maching learning predictive models to get scores for evaluating the risk of granting a new credit card, in the regaridng application process in Credit Initiation Application (CI)
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This microservice will provide functionality for relevant credit information, given by Credit Bureau to the banks about their customers
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This microservice manage information related to the customer billing transactions that are made to business and partners through the contact center
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This microService will provide functionality for account balances to Customer Relationship Portal
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Agent appointment management service for CRP
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Microservice to retrieve and add product's applications to prospects on CRP Portal
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NC - Microservice for retrieving the Appointment performance between the executive and the customer.
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NC. Retrieve the commercial activity between the executive and the customer by units, amounts and per capita.
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Retrieve summary business activity for customer portfolio analysis for customer/segment performance/profitability type assessments
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This microService will provide functionality for customer communications to Customer Relationship Portal(CRP)
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NC. This Microservice retrieves the customer communication information of the customers that belong to the level in the commercial structure, that information provides follow up in described commercial level.
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This microService will provide functionality for customer preferences to Customer Relationship Portal
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This microService will provide functionality for customers to Customer Relationship Portal(CRP)
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Customer segment management service for CRP
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NC - Microservice for retrieving the customers digital performance information.
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This microService will provide functionality for disputes to Customer Relationship Portal
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Interactions management service for CRP
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NC. This Microservice retrieve the commercial portfolio of the commercial level to which I belong, to get the credit, debit information and indicators relevant to CRP.
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This microService will provide functionality for insurances to Customer Relationship Portal
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This microService will provide functionality for Offer manager to Customer Relationship Portal
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This microService will provide functionality for Offer reporting to Customer Relationship Portal
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NC. Microservice for retrieving the productivity activity between the executive and the customer by units, amounts and per capita.
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NC - Microservice for retrieving the Prospect performance.
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This microservice will consult PYME portfolio detail to get a report of the average balances and customers that belong to an agent portfolio.
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This microservice is used to manage operations referent the roles of agents within a session for the use of a certain API.
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This microservice manages the digital bundles that can be offered to a customer according to the products they already have.
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This microservice is used to inform via email to the customer that his request to acquire a digital service has been received.
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This microservice is used to obtain the aggent information to logging and track the service process.
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This microservice manages the validations carried out by the checker agent to give authorization.
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This microservice is used to obtain the accounts that customers may have to assign the products and services that can contract or update in the Pyme Digital Package.
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The microservice is used to validate the identity of the customer before INE and RENAPO that is being attented in the PYME digital bundle process.
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This microservice is used to obtain customer information profile, customer information details, search can be done by id or homonymy.
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This microservice manages the digital files for the finalize of the contract process.
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This microservice is used to manage access information for e-banking users.
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This Microservice is used to manage the OTP token through the customer's cell phone number.
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This microservice contains the functionality to search for customer information (Business and Corporate) through certain parameters, with or without cases of homonymy.
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This API will generate and validate OTP using Transmit service
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This service is used by ECS in order to evaluate all payment products transactions in EFD
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This service is used by ECS in order to evaluate all payment products transactions in EFD
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This API provides card operations like pin reminder
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This microservice provides Tpin (telephone pin) operations to customers, such as create or update, responding with an eventId. Also, triggers the notification to the customer about the creation or update of the Tpin
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This microapp will cover all the functionality of IVR customer data information
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The microservice is used to retrieve personal customer information considered as confidential or PII, so the response of each API must be retrived encrypted
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Alows the customer to register/unregister the service for his accounts in order to receive push notifications on his phone
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The Microservice manages the details related to Apple Pay Linking and Provisioning with banamex cards
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Microservice in order to get the accounts validation services from Banxico
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Micro app for Api codi-transaction-notification
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Micro app for Api codi-transaction-notification
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This Service provides functionality to calculate interests for a customer that needs to defer his amount or his transaction to an installlment plan.
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The Microservice is used by Mobile and Online channel to manage AML customers who must confirm if their data and documents are up to date only if their customer status request it.
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This Microservice container the functionality for activate, cancel or suspend of a customer in the bancanet movil service.
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This Microservice contains the functionality to initiate the generation of one time password for mobile bnp using transmit service.
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This microservice is used to manage the early wage offers information
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This microservice will be used to create a easy savings contract in the S016 system
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This Service provides functionality to calculate interests for a customer that needs to defer his amount or his transaction to an installment plan
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The microservice is used to retrieve personal customer information considered as confidential or PII, so the response of each API must be retrived encrypted
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The Service is a channel specific service for Payment Messages. It contains APIs related to encryption and decryption of messages of payment
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This Domain Service is for Managing the Queue in a Bank Branch. It can include Queue managment & Token assignment APIs
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This Domain Service is for Managing the Queue in a Bank Branch. It can include Queue managment & Token assignment APIs
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Open Banking Service to receive card linking events from Paypal
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This microservice will provide functionality for offers that are related to the customer for the QMS channel.
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This microservice will provide functionality for offers that are related to the customer for the QMS channel.
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This microservice is used to retrieve 2 operational limits used during bill payments functionality based on UDIS and Dollars exchange prices to mexican pesos.
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This microservice is used to manage the Chubb insurance catalogs to obtain the location
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This microservice performs the consult of 19 catalogs that the client can fill out an online application for a mortgage loan.
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This microservice is used to manage the operation with Arcus about the bill payments.
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This microservice is used to consult the details for a bill, retrieve the details for a customer's registered bills from Arcus.
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INSURANCE, This microservice gets the different catalogs referring to automobile characteristics that could be insured
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This microservice will provide the data for all commodity catalog
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NC. This microservice is used for solution for consuming the information from the S080 legacy system where all the catalogs information reside.
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This microservice will provide the data for all commodity catalog
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Solution for consuming the information from the S080 which is the legacy system where all the catalogs information reside.
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NC. This microservice is used for solution for consuming the information from the S080 legacy system where all the catalogs information reside.
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This Microservice is used to get a list of customers.
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This Service will cover the functionality for Facility Location using Google Maps API
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This microservice is used to retrieve a list of merchants along with their information to support bill payments functionality.
0 n/a
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This purpose of this microservice is to retrieve or manage the credit card information related to the customer.
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This Microservice is intended to retrieve dynamic generated CVV2 and 2FA to support online shopping and non-present card transactions.
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This Microservice is intended to manage the card information related to the card for which the dynamic CVV2 and 2FA is generated to support online shopping and non-present card transactions
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This Microservice is intended to retrieve dynamic generated CVV2 and 2FA to support online shopping and non-present card transactions
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The Microservice provides, create and delete cardless withdrawal operations for a customer.
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This Microservice is intended to manage the card information related to the card for which the dynamic CVV2 and 2FA is generated to support online shopping and non-present card transactions
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This Microservice is intended to retrieve dynamic generated CVV2 and 2FA to support online shopping and non-present card transactions
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This microservice is used for functionalities related to the card maintenance.
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This microservice retrieves different status from cards and perform servicing actions to them
0 n/a
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The Microservice is in the Edge layer. This is used to manage the information of cash advance transactions for the card of the customer
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The Microservice is in the Edge layer. This is used to manage the information of cash advance transactions for the card of the customer. The API fucntionality in this swagger is for internal use.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the offers for the credit cards. This is the service at the Edge layer.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the offers for the credit cards. This is a service at the Edge layer.
0 n/a
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The Microservice helps to consume S054 back end service in order to perform operations over debit cards.
0 n/a
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The Microservice helps to manage the information related to the additional cards of the customer.
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This Microservice will be used to perform servicing action on additional card.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used for operations related to CVV of credit/debit cards.
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This microservice is used for functionalities related to the card maintenance.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used for operations related to PIN of credit/debit cards.
0 n/a
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The Microservice is used to manage the card plastic
0 n/a
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This microservice is used as view service of services related to the lock and unlock cards.
0 n/a
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This Microservice retrieve debit card details
0 n/a
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The microservice is used to keep track of the offers on credit card of a customer.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the offers for the credit cards. This is the service at the Edge layer.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the offers for the credit cards. This is a service at the Edge layer.
0 n/a
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This Microservice retrieve debit card details
0 n/a
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The Microservice helps to manage the information related to the digital cards of the customer.
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This Microservice will be used to perform servicing action on digital card.
0 n/a
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The Microservice is in the Edge layer. This is used to manage the information of cash advance transactions for the card of the customer
0 n/a
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The Micrservice is used to keep track of the offers on the transactions of customer's credit card
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This Microservice is used to manage the services related to the credit card offers for the customer. This service is at the Edge layer of the architecture.
0 n/a
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NC This microservice is used to get customer service information.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to manage operations referent the roles of agents within a session for the use of a certain API.
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The Microservice retrieves and manages customer security profile. This service is at the Edge layer of the architecture
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This microservice create a session in order to begin the onboarding process.
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This microservice create a session in order to begin the password reset process.
0 n/a
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This microservice create a session in order to begin the unlock process.
0 n/a
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The Microservice retrieves and manages customer security profile. This service is at the Edge layer of the architecture
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to manage the operations related to customers' privacy notice acceptance.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to check the Risk Profile of a Party or a customer.
0 n/a
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This microservice will orchestrate the requests from Mobile and Avatar in order to complete data necessary to call TMX throught Transmit to get a risk score.
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This microservice will orchestrate the requests from Mobile and Avatar in order to complete data necessary to call TMX throught Transmit to get a risk score.
0 n/a
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This microservice will orchestrate the requests from Mobile and Avatar in order to decript and complete data necessary to call TMX throught Transmit to get a risk score for transantions monetary.
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This microservice will orchestrate the requests from Mobile and Avatar in order to decript and complete data necessary to call TMX throught Transmit to get a risk score for transantions monetary.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to retrieve a questionnaire and the possible answers to know and complete the customer information.
0 n/a
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The Microservice helps to retrieve and update the customer investment risk level from cliclon. The risk level was adquired after the investment profiling questionnarie
0 n/a
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The microservice helps to manage the questionnaire and the answers of a client to detect their investment needs.
0 n/a
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This microservice will retreive data for individual and corporate customers
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This microservice will retreive data for individual and corporate customers
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to get customer service information
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Orchestrator service for customer e-banking services
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This microservice will be used for managing the account/ product details related to the customer to request the statements.
0 n/a
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This microservice helps to consult the offers for the customers
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This microservice will be used to manage the customer segment information.
0 n/a
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The purpose of the domain-type microservice is to manage inserting, updating, and retrieving the client's employer information and its specific business rules.
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This microservice will retreive data for individual and corporate customers
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This microservices orchestrates the call of 2 adapters where the client information for the homonymy query is obtained from Mongo DB and S016
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This microservice will manage the contact details for individual and corporate customers. This microservice is at the edge layer of the architecture.
0 n/a
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The microservice helps to manage the devices in Banxico for Codi feature. This is the View swagger at the Edge Open Banking layer.
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The microservice helps to manage the devices in Banxico for Codi feature. This is the View swagger at the Edge Open Banking layer.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to handle the customer?s phone information
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This microservice is used to provide a digital profile of the customer from Incode and supplemented with S016.
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The purpose of the domain-type microservice is to manage inserting, updating, and retrieving the client's employer information and its specific business rules.
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This microservice is used to manage customer beneficiaries information.
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The microservice helps to manage the phone numbers in Banxico for DiMo feature.
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This microservice is used management tax information for customer's.
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CHUBB, This microservice will contain the view in order to present the Customer Information that will be used in the Chubb Insurance cotization and contract
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This microService will provide functionality for getting customer demographics detail.
0 n/a
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The Microservice is in the Edge layer and helps to retrieve and persist the payee account details
0 n/a
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Microservice for Parties relationship information management
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Microservice to Parties information management
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The microservice helps to manage the devices in Banxico for Codi feature.
0 n/a
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The Microservice is used for the disenrollment of a device from CODi with Banxico
0 n/a
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The Microservice is used for enrollment of CODi app with Banxico using Banamex App
0 n/a
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The microservice helps to register deivces to Banxico for Codi feature
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Gets the customer's information and data center location
0 n/a
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The microservice helps to manage the devices in Banxico for Codi feature. This is the View swagger at the Edge layer.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used for register in Teradata setting from mobile with App CoDi.
0 n/a
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The Microservice is in the Edge layer and helps to retrieve and persist the payee account details
0 n/a
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Orchestrator Microservice to create customer's source of wealth historical data for further analytics and metrics which would help CBSU to decrease workload and operational staffing.
0 n/a
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This microservice will provide functionality for simulating offers that are related to the customer for the Digital and CRP channels.
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This microservice will provide functionality for simulating offers that are related to the customer for the Digital channels.
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This microservice will manage the functionalities related to citi screening process management, (request screening for a person/company and retrieve the alert disposition for the screening process). For compliance payloads are encrypted, please refer to CSMT-PDM-D-PScrn_DEFINITIONS.json document for the structure of request and response objects used in this service
0 n/a
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This microservice will retreive data for customer verification.This API is Pre-login so SCOPE is VISITOR and SID is required.
0 n/a
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The Microservice helps to orchestrate and retrieve account specific transactions for a particular period
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TRANSACTION DETAIL, The Microservice helps to orchestrate and retrieve account specific transactions for a particular period
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This API will be used in Customer Scope to get the Session Data from Legacy Systems.It should be called after proper authentication of the sustomer data and opening a session with S15 in any of the previous call
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The microservice manages notifications for banxico related with CODI feature.
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The microservice manages notifications for banxico related with CODI feature.
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The microservice manages notifications for banxico related with CODI feature
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This microservice is used to manage the notifications for the Chubb insurance quotations for the customer.
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The microservice manages notifications for banxico related with CODI feature
0 n/a
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End to end encryption of sensitive data like passwords and one time pins is a security mandate in some countries. The /security resource allows you to exchange keys which are used for encryption and decryption. Key exchange methods differ depending on whether you already have a registered key or whether you need Citi to send you a key which can be used for encryption. You will receive eventID in the API response header, which should be used to encrypt the sensitive data. All encrypted data sent to Citi will give you an additional eventID in response header, this new eventID should be used for further encryptions.
0 n/a
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Encryption API
0 n/a
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0 n/a
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API for Foreign Exchange Rate Microservice
0 n/a
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This view provides analytical information which serves as an aid to the client's decision-making at the time of capital trading.
0 n/a
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This view is used to retrieve the information of etfs and its details
0 n/a
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This view is used to retrieve the information of stocks and its details
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Micriservice to retrieve information of customer current fixed rate investments
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Microserice to manage the details of customer investments
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Microservice for term investments calculations
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This Micriservice is used to manage information of fixed term investment account for the customer. This is the service at the Edge layer.
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The Microservice manages the activities related to the performance of the investment funds.
0 n/a
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This Micriservice is used to manage information of fixed term investment account for the customer. This is the service at the Edge layer.
0 n/a
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Microserice to show the details of portfolio AcciTrade
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The Microservice helps to retrieve available investment funds to perform sell o buy operations.
0 n/a
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INVESTMENT FUNDS, The Microservice ochestrate the investment account creation on S016 and Clicon.
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This view allows to calculate the commission for a purchase and sale operation according to the type of contract that a related to a customer.
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This view is used for the operation of capital, making it possible to buy, sell or cancel orders.
0 n/a
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The Microservice helps fund or withdraw an investment contract
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This microservice will be used to save, update and delete a goal or wealth goal
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The Microservice helps save the information about purchase order and sale order to investment funds
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This microservice is used to query customer's operations related to fund investments.
0 n/a
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The Microservice is used to manage the transactions for investment funds
0 n/a
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INVESTMENT FUNDS, The Microservice ochestrate the investment account creation on S016 and Clicon.
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This view is used to retrieve the transaction grouping of orders placed by the user within the equity investment.
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The view is used for retrieve grouping position detail of assets from the investment contract.
0 n/a
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The Microservice manages the activities related to Promissory Note investment of customers from and to Banamex Accounts.
0 n/a
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The Microservice helps to retrieve available investment funds to perform sell o buy operations.
0 n/a
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The Microservice manages the customer portfolio based on an investment risk profile.
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The Microservice manages the Investment Risk Profile of a client.
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The microservice manages the investment portfolios catalog.
0 n/a
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This Microservice is used to know the status of the mortgage credit.
0 n/a
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This MS will be used to send information to Chronos once the fields for the creation of a credit are entered
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to manage the accounts linked to the personal and payroll loans
0 n/a
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These API's are used to establish a profile in CCS with userID/password credentials and use a federated profile in CCS that is tied to the userID/password credentials.. These APIs support functions such as adding a new user, validating user credentials, changing userID/password, recovering userID, resetting password, mobile snapshot login etc.
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0 n/a
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Retrieves the products associated with this customer id, in which electronic services can be activated
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Identifies a customer by different criteria (customer id, account number, card number) and retrieves the customer general information
0 n/a
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Login and Session handling functionality for S041 and Siteminder. Login, refresh session, logout and gets SSS credentials
0 n/a
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Validates if customer exists in S800 lists and returns the listt names if customer exists
0 n/a
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0 n/a
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Mexico Card Info API
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This API will be used to exchange Symmetric Session keys between Mobile APP & Server
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API specification for facebook channel API
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0101070000-010107-02 Multiple Inquiry of Checks and Master Account Balances. 0103030000-010303-02 Multiple Cards Inquiry Request. 0107000000 Credit Payment Inquiry. 0107010000-011402 Request for Balance Accounts of Credits Folios.
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Location and services offerd by ATMs
0 n/a
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The Microservice helps helps Transmit to complete ThreatMetrix (TMX) request.
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The Microservice helps helps Transmit to complete TMX request.
0 n/a
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The Microservice helps to generate ThreatMetrix uuid in order to tracking the request.
0 n/a
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The Microservice helps to generate ThreatMetrix uuid in order to tracking the request.
0 n/a
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This microservice performs block and unblock card from EFD server via One Eclipse agent or EFD system
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This microservice is to perfom card notes operations using EFD services via One Eclipse agent or EFD system
0 n/a
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Microservice for customer contact information retrieval
0 n/a
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CITISCREENING TRANSFER, This microservice will manage the functionalities related to citi screening process management, (request screening for a person/company and cancel the screening process). This service is consumed by the Transfers system, for the mobile transfer initiative.
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This microservice is used to manage the Life insurance Screening for the customer or beneficiaries.
0 n/a
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This microservice will provide citi screening process for monetary transactions for BOL (Back Office of Liquidation), this process involves request screening for a person/company and the track of the alert in case of match
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This microservice will manage the functionalities related to citi screening process management, (request screening for a person/company and retrieve the alert disposition for the screening process). For compliance payloads are encrypted, please refer to opsv-frs-o-citi-screening_Definitions.json document for the structure of request and response objects used in this service
0 n/a
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this microservice will provide citi screening process for monetary transactions in front of a bank cashier, (request screening for a person/company and cancel the screening process)
0 n/a
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This Microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the cryptographic one time pad or token for the Apple Pay wallet or association network provisioning.
0 n/a
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This Microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the cards for the Apple Pay wallet.
0 n/a
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This Microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the one time password or token for the Apple Pay wallet.
0 n/a
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This Microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the cryptographic one time pad or token for the Apple Pay wallet or association network provisioning.
0 n/a
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This Microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the one time password or token for the Apple Pay wallet.
0 n/a
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This microservice is for applying operations over cards that are eligibles for wallets offered by Banamex
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to retrieve eligible cards that can be linked with PayPal.
0 n/a
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NC This Microservice is used to manage the functionalities related to the cards for the Apple Pay wallet.
0 n/a
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The Microservice manage soft token event logs to datoteca using SSS.
0 n/a
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The Microservice manage soft token event logs to datoteca using SSS.
0 n/a
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this microservice will provide citi screening process management, (request screening for a person/company and cancel the screening process)
0 n/a
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0 n/a
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This service is used to onboard and link customer details with a payPal service through the CitiBanamex mobile application using the layer of open baking
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to register the terms and conditions when the client wants to link his card with Pay pal.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to save the information of transactions from CoDi, to be reviewed in future audits.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to do a bill payment for a customer.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to manage different catalogs referring to merchants to make recurring payments or to do a recharge.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to manage the payment to do a cell phone recharge for the customer.
0 n/a
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End to end encryption of sensitive data like passwords and one time pins is a security mandate in some countries. The /security resource allows you to exchange keys which are used for encryption and decryption. Key exchange methods differ depending on whether you already have a registered key or whether you need Citi to send you a key which can be used for encryption. You will receive eventID in the API response header, which should be used to encrypt the sensitive data. All encrypted data sent to Citi will give you an additional eventID in response header, this new eventID should be used for further encryptions.
0 n/a
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Single sign-on (SSO) is a property of access control of multiple related, but independent software systems. With this property a user logs in with a single ID and password to gain access to a connected system or systems without using different usernames or passwords.
0 n/a
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Authorization pinValidation
0 n/a
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API for Credit Card Profile
0 n/a
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The Security Token Service [STS] is used to build and issue tokens like JSON Web Token [JWT] for securely transmitting information between parties and usable in the cases like Single Singon [SSO] Context , Authentication and for other security related functionalities.
0 n/a
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NC This microservice is to perfom the necesary dispute data to show in the front end of digital services.
0 n/a
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This Service provides functionality for self-service disputes for being used by Front-End
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NC This microservice is to perfom the necesary dispute data to show in the front end of digital services.
0 n/a
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This Service provides functionality for self-service disputes for being used by Front-End
0 n/a
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The microservice helps to manage the payments for Banxico - Codi feature.
0 n/a
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The microservice helps to manage the payments for Banxico - Codi feature.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to decipher the QR code that was generated by Codi server, to get the decrypted payment message details required for the transaction.
0 n/a
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Microservice for payments initiation processes (all types of payments and for different processes)
0 n/a
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This Microservice retrieves customer external account list
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Microservice for payments initiation processes storage (all types of payments and for different processes)
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this microservice contains the functionality for management of remote authorization of the payment files
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This microservice contains the functionalities of being able to retrieve the payment services information
0 n/a
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Microservice that obtains accounts information to manage SPID (Interbank Payment System in Dollars) payee accounts. Modified by bank regulation increasing the number of characters.
0 n/a
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The microservice helps to manage the payments for Banxico - Codi feature.
0 n/a
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The purpose of this microservice is to manage the disbursement of the credits like Personal loans and mortgage credit. This service is for the Edge layer of the architecture.
0 n/a
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The purpose of this microservice is to manage the payments to the credits like Personal loans and mortgage credit. This service is for the Edge layer of the architecture.
0 n/a
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The purpose of this microservice is to manage registered merchants from the customer.
0 n/a
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The microservice helps to manage the payments for Banxico - Codi feature.
0 n/a
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The purpose of this microservice is to manage the disbursement of the credits like Personal loans and mortgage credit. This service is for the Edge layer of the architecture
0 n/a
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The Microservice is used to perform the account validations to make the transfers or payments
0 n/a
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The purpose of this microservice is to manage the payments to the credits like Personal loans and mortgage credit. This service is for the Edge layer of the architecture
0 n/a
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This micro service has the functionality to retrieve details of the processed payment files.
0 n/a
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The Microservice is used to manage the transactions for investment funds
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The Microservice is used to manage the transactions for investment funds
0 n/a
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Microservice for doing operations with Clabe account
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Microservice to manage cash transactions
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This microservice is used to manage users' TESOFE accounts.
0 n/a
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The Microservice manages the activities related to Payroll Portability of customers from and to Banamex Accounts
0 n/a
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The Microservice manages the activities related to Payroll Portability of customers from and to Banamex Accounts
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The APIs in this group provide methods to request policy, initiate user authentication, and complete it by providing user input. The general flow for every authentication attempt is an initial request from the client containing application parameters and data collected from the device, the server then decides on a policy and returns to the client the steps that require client side interaction. Next the SDK executes these steps one by one until completion.
0 n/a
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Api Documentation
0 n/a
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Wallet Provisioning Service
0 n/a
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0 n/a
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Wallet Security Service
0 n/a
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API for widget preferences
0 n/a
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Simplified configuration and integration with Workflow Service via APIM and PSG
0 n/a
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The Microservice keep a session alive for a user
0 n/a
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This API is to retrieve and validate CURP Id based on Customer Information
0 n/a
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The microservice is for managing the Kek, that is a key to encrypt/decrypt the customer keysource for each request to Banxico. This is the View swagger at the Edge layer.
0 n/a
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The microservice is for managing the Kek, that is a key to encrypt/decrypt the customer keysource for each request to Banxico.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used as view service related to save and retrieve session additional information services.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to manage the early wage third parties offers.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used as view service related to open session with Incode party's.
0 n/a
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This service is used to authenticate the customer in PayPal flow using OAuth2 through the CitiBanamex mobile application
0 n/a
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Microservice to manage operations for customers
0 n/a
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This service is for managing the Alerts that a customer can receive via psush notifications, SMS or email
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This service is for managing the Alerts that a customer can receive via push notifications, SMS or email
0 n/a
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This service is for managing the Alerts that a customer can receive via push notifications, SMS or email
0 n/a
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This API's are to be used for managing an login alias and to end an S015 session.
0 n/a
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This service is meant to validate de Session in SSO for Mexico supported backend
0 n/a
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The Microservice helps helps Avatar to encrypt information using STS.
0 n/a
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This microservice is used to manage the representative credential
0 n/a
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This microservice will be used for challenge validation/generation of BNE customers, when they need a Second Authentication Factor
0 n/a
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This microservice will bu used for login feature of BNE applications
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This microservice is used as an auxiliar of the services of E2EE microservice. Is focused on redirect requests to each corresponding service instance depending on consumer channel.
0 n/a
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0 n/a
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This microservice is used to authenticate using an RSA Signature Validation.
0 n/a
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This microservice will be used for challenge validation/generation of BNE customers, when they need a Second Authentication Factor
0 n/a
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This Microservice is used to manage the OTP token through the customer cell phone number.
0 n/a
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This view is used to authenticate using an RSA Signature Validation.
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This purpose of this Microservice is to perform the operations with transmit soft token in SSS to recover customer's access. This is an Orchestrator service.
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This Microservice provide a unified login for each and every digital/consumer channel. They also provide a CCS DB storage mechanism to allow migration from Tandem systems
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This Microservice is used to manage the OTP token through the customer cell phone number.
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Generates and validate OTP through CitiMFA
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This APIs provide a unified login for each and every digital/consumer channel. They also provide a CCS DB storage mechanism to allow migration from Tandem systems
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This APIs provide a unified login for each and every digital/consumer channel. They also provide a CCS DB storage mechanism to allow migration from Tandem systems
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This APIs provide the functionality for giving an extra authentication to the customers, using a challenge validation, this services are available only after a login process done and a netKey or softToken assigned
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This purpose of this Microservice is to perform the operations with transmit soft token in SSS to recover customer's access. This is an Orchestrator service.
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The Microservice retrieves and manages transmit softtoken (view contract).
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This purpose of this Microservice is to perform the operations with transmit soft token in SSS. This is an Orchestrator service.
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This APIs are used when a high risk transaction will be performed and previously an authentication or certification of the client credentials through a JWT or Challenge are required.
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